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Tag: wordpress

MySQL – summing up products from several orders

I want to sum up the number of items purchased from several orders. I have this query, however it shows me each order on a separate row. I want have it all added up in one row. This is woocommerce database. Example output: and this is how it should be: Answer You want the aggregation string over all those items,

insert into tables from another tables

Well, I trying insert into tables to another but I get this error; WordPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ”lcl_user_agent’ (user_agent, hitcount, click_timestap) SELECT visite_useragent,’ at line 1] This is my code; I want insert into lcl_user_agent the

Update field with a shorter string

I need to modify the LENGTH of text in field in db mysql. I’ve attribute_name that I need to have with max LENGTH 28 characters. WordPress and woocommerce limit this field to 28 characters. Right now my website is down because some taxonomies are too long. There is a way to “cut” all attribute_name <= 28? All my attribute_name should
