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Tag: window-functions

Count of line item in MySQL

I have a complex query joined to multiple tables to show a “transaction history”, I want a quick and easy way to count the occurrences of order_id to make it as the line_number. I had it done with code but for performance reason I want to have it done with MySQL. Here is an example of what I have: This

Create query to get count of uncompleted calls

There is table waiter_log as Call with call-id ‘f27de4f’ started in 9010 and finished in 9003 because there is a record with proceed_wait = 0 for call-id=’f27de4f’ Call with call-id ‘asdf231′ started in 9010, still proceed in 9002 and not finished yet because there is no record with proceed_wait = 0 for call-id=’asdf231’ Similarly for call with call-id ‘rete125’ there
