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Tag: trino

Inner Join returned values

I have a query such as, select name from employee inner join task on = task.employee_id order by name asc Tables look like: employee id name 1 Emily 2 Sam 3 AI 4 Joe 5 …

Json extract coming as null – Presto SQL

I`m trying to use json extract to get some values using the code below: And it works, however the values are coming all as NULL . When I extract the properties field I get the values that I want, as the example below: {“allow_url”:false,”partner_target_app_id”:[28479748204829001,9388018374784],”link”:”http”} Does anybody know what could be the issue here? I thought it was something related to

Creating bins in presto sql – programmatically

I am new to Presto SQL syntax and and wondering if a function exists that will bin rows into n bins in a certain range. For example, I have a a table with 1m different integers that range from 1 – 100. What can I do to create 20 bins between 1 and 100 (a bin for 1-5, 6-10, 11-15
