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Tag: sqlite

Checking if a value exists in sqlite db with Go

I’m writing code to manage users in a sqlite database with Go. I’m trying to check if a username is taken, but my code is ugly. My table looks like: And I check if a username is taken with: Is there a better query I could use that would tell me if the username value exists in the table in

Add an autoincrementing ID column to an existing table with Sqlite

Using Sqlite, I want to add an auto-incrementing ID column to an existing table which had previously no ID: How to do it properly? I have this error: sqlite3.OperationalError: near “auto_increment”: syntax error Answer An SQLite table cannot modified in a significant manner using alter table once it has been created. One common popular suggestion is to create a new

“not Implemented by SQLite JDBC driver”

I have a database with User information, and I wanted to make a public static to return the database integers at any given time without having to make a void for every single one, but it’s giving me this error: And this is my code: Does someone understand what I’m doing wrong? I tried to Google things, but changing code

How to check if a value is a number in SQLite

I have a column that contains numbers and other string values (like “?”, “???”, etc.) Is it possible to add an “is number” condition to the where clause in SQLite? Something like: Answer From the documentation, The typeof(X) function returns a string that indicates the datatype of the expression X: “null”, “integer”, “real”, “text”, or “blob”. You can use where

How to send plain SQL queries (and retrieve results) using scala slick 3

I am trying to make a class that has methods that can send and get data to an SQLite db using plain sql queries. This unfortunately does not work. I do not want to use the withSession implicit parts. The following error is thrown: type mismatch; found : slick.profile.SqlStreamingAction[Vector[(Int, Double, String)],(Int, Double, String),slick.dbio.Effect] required: slick.dbio.DBIOAction[(Int, Double, String),slick.dbio.NoStream,Nothing] DBops.scala Answer I

SQLite not selecting date

My SQlite database in my app stores the date in the format of yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. I want to query a transaction that happened on a certain month of a year but my code is not working : Answer After some research I discovered that for some reason I had to do some casting for it to work.

SQLite – How to perform COUNT() with a WHERE condition?

I have a products table with these fields: _id, product_name, priority and shelf_id. And I have a shelves table with these fields: _id and shelf_name. Currently, I have this SQL which returns a resultset showing the name of each shelf along with the number of products within each shelf: What I am trying to achieve is the creation of an

SQLite database – select the data between two dates?

I want to select my data by date – from a date until another date, so I have this query, But this query only return the data in ‘2014-10-09’, excluding the data in ‘2014-10-10’, unless I change the query to this below, This is not an ideal solution. How can I select the data including the data in ‘2014-10-10’? NOTE:
