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Tag: sqlite

Finding an ID not in another column

I’m working on a little SQL exercise, and am scratching my head an this problem. I am trying to find all the Employees to whom no other employee reports to. This is what the employees table looks …

Where clause in upsert conflict target

Suppose I have a table created like this: When attempting to insert a new row, there are three possibilties: No row for ‘name’ exists. The new row should be inserted. A row for ‘name’ exists that has a value of NULL. The existing row should be updated with the new value. A row for ‘name ‘ exists that has a

Create table with composite attribute/columns in sqlite3

I have to create a Table in the SQLite database, however, I am unable to find the syntax where I can define composite attribute/columns while creating the table.In this ER diagram, I have a composite attribute as a DateOfPurchase of the Bicycle So could some please help me with this, Thanks in advance. Answer See here: the last added field

How to convert a query into a nested query

How do I change this query into a nested query? The query and tables are listed below. tables goes as follows Nation : N_NATIONKEY, N_NAME Supplier : S_SUPPKEY, S_NAME, S_NATIONKEY Customer : C_CUSTKEY, C_NAME, C_NATIONKEY Orders: O_ORDERKEY, O_CUSTKEY Lineitem: L_ORDERKEY, L_SUPPKEY, L_QUANTITY, L_EXTENDEDPRICE, L_DISCOUNT Answer I’m not sure exactly what kind of nested join you’re looking for, but here is

Query works on SQLite but fails on SQL Server

The following query works for me in SQLite. But in SQL Server, it gives me an error. Invalid column name ‘VehId’. And the editor puts a red squiggly line under the last VehId (but not the first). As you might expect, Vehicles.Id is the primary key. I’m trying to find all foreign keys in Transactions that don’t reference any row
