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Tag: sqlite

String concatenation in SQLITE with NA values?

Currently working in SQLite and have the following table I would like to create a new column – which is the concatenation of the columns subject_1 and subject_2, however I have values within my subject_2 column – is there a way of concatenating the columns so that I can get the following table Now i have tried the two following

SQLite – TimeStamp to Date

I am trying to convert a timestamp to date in SQLite. But it give me always Null back, I try many solution I find out, but any solution works for me Here is my request : Thats my SQL script, if you want to try: Answer To expand on @forpas comment, SQLite does not have a TIMESTAMP data type, so

CS50 Pset 7 13.sql, I can’t solve it, nested sqlite3 database

DataBase movies.db tables directors (movie_id, person_id) movies (id, title, year) people (id, name, birth) ratings (movie_id, rating, votes) stars (movie_id, person_id) you can download the database. Question I’m new in programming, so I decided, to begin with, CS50 Harvard course here is the problem and the test solution: In 13.sql, write a SQL query to list the names of all

How to convert an SQL Output to a python list [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question So basically I have an SQL database with 5 different columns of data. what I am trying to do is take the data from my

SQLite select query if inner join query doesn’t exists

I have two tables, one for all the foods which contains food id, default name and other foods values. Another table is for the food name translations which contains food id, language id, translation. What i want to do is join between these tables by the food id to get the translation for food id = 5 for example and

Android Studio Null object Reference

Creating an question/answer test application that scores you based on how many attempts it took to get it right (i.e on the first attempt 5 points, 2nd attempt 4 points… and so on) the questions are stored in a .DB file in asset folder and after testing the scoring logic I’m now trying to draw from the database. this is
