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Tag: sql

converting varchar to binary in mysql?

I have the following data in a table like so: The data looks like this: I want to convert this into binary. How is it possible? I tried these queries but getting the same result: How to do this? My expected result is should be like this: Answer Since the accepted answer is unnecessarily complex, here a concise answer: TLDR;

return number of hashtag posts sql, mysql

I have two tables, 1) hashtags table & 2) hashtags_relation table. The first one lists the hashtags, and the second one relates the hashtag with a post. TABLE HASHTAGS id_hashtag | hashtag | …

SQL similar to regex, equivalents for start ^ and end $ of line

I want to use a regex like (^|s)1001(s|$) in a Firebird similar to expression: Examples: abc 1001 abc – true abc 121001 abc – false 1001 abc – true 121001 – false abc 1001 – true I try’d to convert it to a regex in Firebird: Where COLUMN similar to (^|[:WHITESPACE:])abc 1001 abc($|[:WHITESPACE:]), but ^ (start of line) and $

return the Nth word from database

I want to get nth word from a column I’m using a code line and it works for me but there is an issue, for example: First line is: “the Nth word from database” Second line is: “return the Nth word …

Unable to Get the Proper Result : SQL Query Help Needed

Dear All, In the above JSP Code,sdata[j] is the array of table names and idata[i] is the array of usernames. what i am trying to achieve is, to retrieve final_grade from the tables sdata[j] with the username==idata[i] . Since the username is existing in some table it displays the final grade, but when no record found in the table i

Duplicate records in all related Access tables with new PK/FK assigned at button click event

I have an Access database with 5 tables: Report_Start holds PK on [Report_ID] CommSummary holds FK on [Report_ID] MRPCSummary holds FK on [Report_ID] SQESummary holds FK on [Report_ID] MEPSummary holds FK on [Report_ID] Report_ID links tables 2-4 to Table 1. User enters new report info on a user form (Report Date, Vendor, buyer, planner, etc), which is stored in Report_Start
