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Tag: sql

While loop SQL Server

Help me please. I need to write two functions, one that calculates the factorial and another that calculates the sums of euler. To make the euler sums I need to use the function that calculates the factory. I already have the function of factorial but when doing the sums the result I get “NULL” Note: it needs to be done

Using REPLACE with CHAR(160) is Returning Hexadecimal as Value

I am trying to get rid of &nbsp characters in MYSQL, but am getting weird behavior where using REPLACE is returning a hexadecimal string. The original value is some HTML stored in a field with the type BLOB: The SQL I am using is this: And after executing, this is what is left in the database: What is going on

SQL statement about average

My question is -> Retrieve the segment ID and length of each segment that is longer than the average length of all segments. Name the column indicating the length of segments “Length”. Relations: What I got so far is: And I got this error message: Error: Your query has syntax errors. Description: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression Can

Multiple WHEN in CASE only applies first two

I have a CASE with 4 WHENs. The first two applie fine, but the last two (or any others I add past that) do not get applied. All WHENs are referring to the same field. Here’s what I’m trying to do. The field in question is formatted as: So it would look like The first Case I wrote was to
