Take a look at the following code: import ibm_db #Authentication Details f=open(r”C:UsersXXXXXMy Code.rc”,”r”) lines=f.readlines() us=lines[0].rstrip() pd=lines[1] sql_file = “NNM_SQL.sql” f = …
Tag: python
Why does a database query in python not return an integer value?
Why does this work: cash = db.execute(“SELECT cash FROM users WHERE id = :user_id”, user_id = session[“user_id”]) # Ensure user can afford the stock if cash[0][“cash”] < share * quote["price"]…
How to update an integer value in an SQL record?
I’m pretty new to SQL and the Sqlite3 module and I want to edit the timestamps of all the records in my DB randomly. import sqlite3 from time import time import random conn = sqlite3.connect(‘…
Best data type for PostgreSQL datatime type
Actually I have: CREATE TABLE public.user( id BIGSERIAL NOT NULL, nick VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, email VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, born DATE, joined DATE, tags text[] ); I want to choose best …
Fast SQL record look-up by using hash in Python/pandas
I’m looking to maintain a (Postgres) SQL database collecting data from third parties. As most data is static, while I get a full dump every day, I want to store only the data that is new. I.e., every …
Do a dry-run of an Alembic upgrade
Sometimes alembic upgrade head may fail at runtime against my production database even though it worked fine against my testing databases. For instance, a migration might add a NOT NULL constraint to a column that didn’t previously contain NULLs in my testing environment, but did contain NULLs in production. When planning deployments, it’d be nice to able to check in
How to call DBMS_CRYPTO.HASH when inserting a CLOB into Oracle with Python?
I’m storing CLOBs in Oracle. To speed up finding identical CLOBs, I’d like to introduce a hash value of the CLOBs. What I tried so far is INSERT the CLOB UPDATE the hash value based on the stored clob. How can this be done in one operation instead of two? This doesn’t work: (Oracle 12.2 using Python and cx_Oracle 6.3)
How do I display attributes of table in oracle using python?
I connected Python to Oracle. I am trying to display the attributes of the table using python i.e I want to display table schema. I am using ‘describe’ statement but while executing it gives me an …
pyodbc Incorrect syntax near ‘-‘. (102)
I am trying to select all data from table that contains “-” dash symbol, and i get error cursor.execute(qStr) pyodbc.ProgrammingError: (‘42000’, “[42000] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL …
There is a way to check if a model field contains a substring?
I wanted to know if I can do things like this: More or less like this. In summary I want to search for a substring, not the string itself. Answer Take a look at Django contains and icontains