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Tag: plsql

Issue in a function that converts a string into a valid date

I have been using this function for last few years that converts an input string into a valid date in decided format. The above query will return, 28-02-2002 00:58:15 However starting 29/02/2020, if the input string to the function changes to ‘20200229005947354241’, it returns a null! I am not sure if this something related to leap year but not able

Split and compare two Strings in Oracle SQL

I have a table with three columns structured as followed: Now I would like to perform an Oracle-SQL-query which gives me the edit-pattern of the two strings left and right. The result should be as followed: Al my tries with REGEX_SPLIT and CONNECT BY were not successful. Do you have any ideas how to solve that problem? Answer You can

table in database rows

I have a table People, having people_id,people_name,people_lastname. I am facing difficulties creating a pl/sql function to display all the rows of that table. I have done this much so far Answer One option is to return refcursor:

Return multiple values in varchar2

I want to return the values of several columns (With a function) in a varchar2 but I get an error when I choose several columns in select. FUNCTION FU_PRUEBAS (P_IDNUM MAC.IDNUM%TYPE) RETURN VARCHAR2 …

IS NULL in CASE in predicates

tell me pls, that’s real – use the CASE construct, where the expression with IS NULL/IS NOT NULL will be returned in TNEN? I have a procedure in a package that receives an input parameter and it is …

Select row of data to be the output header

I have a very large set of data that is formed similar to this: I want to produce report output that drops the table headers (field1, field2, field3) and instead use data row1 as headers in output. I am able to do this nicely in SQLPlus and SPOOL to CSV, but I want to do everything in PLSQL so that
