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Tag: pivot

SQL Server : fastest way to change rows to columns

I’ve got an issue regarding two tables in my database that have the following columns: COMMENT table Composite key made up of (KEY, TYPE, NUMBER) RESULTS table An example of the COMMENT table would be this: For each KEY, there are only 3 different types A,B,C and one TYPE may have up to 0020 in the NUMBER field. These records

Postgres: Count multiple events for distinct dates

People of Stack Overflow! Thanks for taking the time to read this question. What I am trying to accomplish is to pivot some data all from just one table. The original table has multiple datetime entries of specific events (e.g. when the customer was added add_time and when the customer was lost lost_time). This is one part of two rows

dynamic pivot SQL Query in DB2

I have table like below in DB2 where all these 3 columns are VARCHAR data type I need a dynamic PIVOT query which should select values for ABC_COL1 and ABC_COL2 in row format when FILE_NM filter is used as ABC.TXT The same query should select the values for XYZ_COL1, XYZ_COL2 and XYZ_COL3 in row format when FILE_NM filter is used

PL SQL Pivot: use different aggregates

I want to pivot sum(sales) per country as below. But the price column should be an average per shop. So, I would love to have this result: Desired Result: shop avg_price US CN 2 6 100 10 3 5 60 10 Current Result: shop price US CN 2 5 null 5 2 7 100 5 3 5 60 10 I

SQL – Adding columns

I am new to SQL and was wondering if someone can help me with this small request. I am trying to have my output like down below: But I am currently getting this output: Here is my SQL code: How can I get the columns to reflect MF, CH_A, CH_B, and CH_C with its respective value? Answer @Med2020 Your query

How to pivot given string by replacing special characters in SQL?

In an interview, I have been asked to pivot a string by replacing special characters. Given string was ‘AAA%BBB$CCC#DDD’ Expected output as shown in then image: How can we do this in SQL Server? Thanks in advance! Answer In SQL Server 2014?(I guess the operating system you are using is Windows Server 2008 R2, hahaha), if you use SQL Server

How to select a specific number of rows and convert them into named columns

I am hanging on this problem for hours. A very simple query: SQL Result: RoomId WaterMeterNumber 95E5ACE0-FEE4-4D33-BC22-0DCF7B1155CF SZ12800491 95E5ACE0-FEE4-4D33-BC22-0DCF7B1155CF 3375791 95E5ACE0-FEE4-4D33-BC22-0DCF7B1155CF 45332 95E5ACE0-FEE4-4D33-BC22-0DCF7B1155CF SK9649 And I want the query result to be like that: RoomId Number1 Number2 Number3 Number4 Number5 95E5ACE0-FEE4-4D33-BC22-0DCF7B1155CF SZ12800491 3375791 45332 SK9649 I always want to show the numbers of the first five watermeters of a room.

Flatten the Data in BigQuery

I have dimensions.key_value of RECORD type i run the following query with following output. To unnest the data i have created the following view: My Output: There are two thing i need to verify is my query correct ? How i can make the query generic i.e if i don’t know all the key, there some other keys may also
