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Tag: pdo

shopping cart with PHP and connected to the MySQL

Good evening, I am currently working on the implementation of a shopping cart through PHP and MySQL, I am getting the following error at line 172 onwards, I have been looking at the quotes but I cannot find the problem, what could be the solution to this? I have been changing this cart from a mysqli version of it into

How to group by two columns in mysql

I am building a chat website, I have a table that contains the following columns, from_id, to_id, messages. The from_id is the id of the user that the chat is from and the to_id is the id of the user the chat is sent to. Now I want to get all the chats but I also want to group it

Connecting to multiple MySQL database in single php app [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question I’m trying to connect multiple mysql databases to a single php web app. I’d like each user to be able

How to set pdo timezone at connection

I have this code where I connect to database and the code is working properly. However the now() function of MySQL is out of sync with PHP set default time zone function. I am comparing the PHP date with MySQL now. Therefore, I wanted to set the database time zone as well. I wanted to set the database time upon
