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Tag: oracle11g

Display data of a column as a row in Oracle

First of all, I would like to thank you so much for your time in advance. I have a table as shown below: I would like to display the data from the above table as shown below: If no data is present within the COL_DESC for a row then the data from the COL_NAME column needs to be displayed. I

Insert data using two select queries with different count of rows

I Wish to enter data into a third table while getting the data from the first two tables.In this case the first table is profile and second table is menu, and the third table is profile_menu. My objective is to map menus to a specific profiles.Practically one profile can have mapping to multiple menus. I am using the below query

Sum REGEXP_SUBSTR resulting ORA-01722: invalid number error

I’m creating a reconciliation report where I basically just want to know document value of each sent batch. Batch ID is in its own column and sent data is in one column and it’s comma separated, see randomly generated example below: Each batch have minimum 2 rows and max can be 2000 rows. In this table I have two columns:
