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Tag: oracle

How to get previous rows date in SQL?

I have a table that stores the effective date column in order. In some cases as mentioned below I effective date is NULL so in that case I am supposed to pick date from previous column and add 1 day and show as effective date. It works fine when there is a date in previous row but when 2 or

How can I calculate the median of all rows?

What I’m trying to accomplish: I’d like to calculate the median number of rows for the last 49 days for each store and hour of the day (0 – 24 hours). What I’ve done so far: My current SQL is below. I’…

How to tokenize semicolon separated column value to pass to IF statement in a function in Oracle DB

I have a table called ‘config’ and when I query it in following manner: SELECT value FROM config WHERE property = ‘SPECIAL_STORE_ID’ its response will be: 59216;131205;76707;167206 //… (1) I want to tokenize the above values using semicolon as the delimiter and then use them in a user-defined Function’s IF statement to compare, something like this: where in_store_id is the

How to order by with union in SQL to make first select query value first?

In this query: First select query ( SELECT NM, DEP_CD FROM EMP WHERE DEP_CD=’1100′ and (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM BBS_TABLE WHERE UP_DEP_CD = ‘1100’) > 0) always returns 1 result. I want to put this one first in the result values, but there are no regular rules for results so I couldn’t use order by. How can I put the first

Oracle – update the same count of duplicates between two tables

I have two tables UPD_REF and UPD_TO There is no key and we can have duplicates in both tables UPD_TO or UPD_REF. I need to update the same count of rows on UPD_TO corresponding to UPD_REF. If I do a simple update or merge like this: I have all the matching values updated: But I need to get that: Any
