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Tag: nullif

how to use NULLIF with aggregate function

I’m using SQL Management Studio 2012. I’m getting a ‘Divide by zero error encountered’ error. I’m aware this requires the use of NULLIF but I’m unsure how to use it in my query. This is my query I’ve actually asked this question before which some kind person answered excellently but that was without the OVER() and SUM aggregate function, I’m

SQL Server : ISNULL(compound NULL condition, ‘a string’) returns only the 1st character, under certain circumstance(s)

I’m a self-taught, vaguely competent SQL user. For a view that I’m writing, I’m trying to develop a ‘conditional LEFT’ string-splitting command (presumably later to be joined by a ‘conditional RIGHT’ – whereby: If a string (let’s call it ‘haystack’) contains a particular pattern (let’s call it ‘needle’), it will be pruned to the left of that pattern Otherwise, the
