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Tag: nested

Extracting a string from a nested dictionary in presto

I have data that looks like this: I’d like to extract “subquestions” into separate rows (in an sql table): — Making ads for Meta platforms — Producing video content — Applying mobile creatives best… I have a tried a few functions json_extract_scalar, and Map functions etc, but I didn’t succeed. Thanks in advance for your help. So the thing I

Nested array in a SQL query

I’m fairly new to programming and I’m struggling with an SQL Query. I want, that the purchased articles (article_id) are grouped in an array, so they are connected to the date column. For a further process, they might be combined ( so date x is combined with articles_id [A,B,C]) To make it clearer I want to show what I’ve done

SQL nested WERE

I’m a beginner in SQL and I don’t understand the nested WHERE request: When I first request: SELECT movies.title, FROM stars INNER JOIN movies ON = stars.movie_id INNER JOIN …

sql nested “sum (case when) or” select query

I have a select query where I am trying to sum a value based on multiple criteria, grouped by dimension. The output will be the sum of the time greater than 30, 90, or 365 days based on the category, grouped by category. I can’t crack the syntax for this, I hope you can help! The concept looks something like
