For example, let us consider this table: In this image consists of rows of 8 where names like Mike,Glenn,Daryl,Shane and Patricia is included with their respective ages Id Name Age 1 Mike 25 2 Glenn 19 3 Glenn 19 4 Daryl 56 5 Shane 30 6 Shane 30 7 Patricia 16 Now I want to insert the type of query
Tag: mysql
modify the data of column while copying the data of column from other table
In mysql, I am trying to copy the data from one column to other column of different table. I have used the below command to achieve this. data in old column is data:test data in new column should be {“payload”:”data:test”} As of now when I used the above insert command, it just copies the data as is from old column,
How to reference variables in Snowflake SQL script
I’m writing a script to create 5 tables, but cannot seem to get the SQL DDL part of the statement to work. I get a syntax error ” unexpected ‘table’ “, and I’ve tried the SQL statement with execute immediate as well. What am I doing wrong? Answer To quote the documentation: If you are using the variable as the
MySQL – How to use JSON_EXTRACT to get values between two indices
I am trying to extract values between 2 indices in a JSON array using mysql JSON_EXTRACT. This query will smoothly return 20 as result. But if I want to get all the numbers between, say, 1st and 3rd indices, how do I query it? I was expecting something like: which will return 20,30,40. But not working. How do I achieve
Sync columns(without data) in multiple tables
I have multiple tables inside my database: Is there a way to keep the columns of all the tables in sync with each other? What I mean is that when I add a new column named ‘last-edit’ inside the first table, this column will duplicate to all the other tables. But the data inside the columns will only be unique
If rows exist in table then return value from table ELSE return a default value. – MySQL
I have to write a query which will return the latest timestamp column’s value from a table if rows exist. If there is no row(s) in table then it return the default value. I have write the following query in MS-SQL which is working fine for me. But , now I need to write this query in MySQL. I have
How to wirte an select with forigin keys and such
I am about to setup a sql db, not decided yet for mysql, mariadb or postgresql. But before that I have set up my sql script to create the tables I need. First I need help with a sanity check, can you without me see what I am setting up here? Second, the thing I am struggeling with now is
SQL Updating Values of Column for Each Unique Value in Separate Column (without a loop)
I’m currently writing a query that is grabbing data from a table and I want to update one of the columns in that table. The update needs to be based off the distinct values from one column. For example: Type ID x ID1 x ID1 y ID2 y ID2 z ID3 z ID3 The catch here is that I can’t
Mysql count with GROUP_CONCAT while using join query
I have a chats table and chat_reactions table. Each chat message can have many reactions and a reaction is a text and it can be many. I am trying to return messages with the grouped reactions and the total number of times a particular reaction is used. For example, msg: hi with id 1 got a total of three reactions.
Target table cannot be same one for update clause in mysql
I have a table name named ’employee’. Table creation code given below: The table content is like below: Now I want to update ‘e_id’, first it will check whether the same e_id is in the table anywhere or not, if it is not in the table then only it will update the rows with given e_id, else it will not