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Tag: mysql

CASE clause in WHERE

I’m doing a leetcode question. 2 similar answers are worked out. But I have no idea why one is wrong and the other is right. The following is the question link. The goal is writing a SQL query to find all numbers that appear at least three times consecutively. The table looks like Right version: The output: Wrong version:

Count of past instances in an appended table

This is my desired output: ‘CountOfUsersBought’ I want it to be Amongst All Targeted Users. And the Table (Updated Daily) from where I get the data to fill the previous output has the following structure: I want to store on the variable ‘CountOfUsersBought’ the count of all the users that actually bought, not only today but all time. How would

How obtain a list of posts by category?

I have a MySQL table that associates articles with categories. Table “posts_categories”: postId – catId 178 4 177 4 176 4 175 4 174 4 171 4 170 4 169 4 168 4 167 4 166 4 165 4 164 4 163 4 …
