I have a Table with Column Headings: ID Student_Name Roll_Number Subject1MarksObtained Subject1TotalMarks Subject2MarksObtained Subject2TotalMarks Subject3MarksObtained Subject3TotalMarks …
Tag: ms-access
Why Select Distinct stored ‘As T’ and how to alias?
From this helpful response on another question on stackoverflow.com (How do I count unique items in field in Access query?), the answer contained: SELECT Count(*) AS N FROM (SELECT DISTINCT Name FROM …
Access SQL subquery WHERE clause doesn’t filter results [closed]
I have a problem with a query in an Access database. The database would be for storing and managing basic statistics of a sportsleague. This is my query string: SELECT Participants.Name AS Name , …
Operator Error with SWITCH Function in Access
I have been trying to execute the below SWITCH function in MS Access but I keep receiving the following error: Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression. I have used this before and it …
Why am I getting a Data Type Mismatch when comparing a date in Microsoft Access even though I am using the # delimiter?
I have a table of people’s names who have attended a class and the timestamp of when they attended that class. This is stored in Access. I am trying to get the names of people who attended class on …
MS-Access SQL – how to implement a boolean sub-query?
I have a membership database, with linked tables: members and history, where the history includes any update about the member, including joining date and leaving date in relevant cases. This means …
How do i sum two query with each count and criteria in it
I have this two query sql and i’m trying to do a sum of both 2 counts in the query together but when i try to do the UNION ALL but it kept prompt me to enter parameter for CountOfTools_Number2. All i wan is the sum of the two count and return me a value. Answer Presuming your two example
NZ function in T-SQL where ValueIfNull is NOT specified
I am working on an MS Access to SQL Server Migration project and am currently in the process of converting a complex query into T-SQL from MS Access. Now I’m quite familiar with how Nz works in Access …
Aggregate Function Error With Basic Query
My database is based on a cinema, I am trying to make a query which displays the number of tickets purchased for each movie screening. The tables involved in this query are Bookings, Screenings and Movies. Here is the Bookings table: The Screenings table: And the Movies table: I have so far managed to get the query to the point
SQL Updated question conditional division
Given columns A and B from Table1: Given columns S, M, L from Table2: I want to create a new column in Table1 that outputs the quotients of values of column B and Avg(Table2.S) only if the entry in the same row in column A of is ‘Small’. If column A has ‘Med’, we divide by Avg(Table2.M) and if it