I’m struggling as a junior to create a view based on 5 tables: Country, Business, SubBusiness, Role and Type CREATE VIEW my_view AS SELECT DISTINCT `a`.`country`, `b`.`business`, `c`.`sub_business`, `…
Tag: left-join
How To Write A Query With A CTE And A Left Join
I am trying to have a calendar table with my CTE and set it up so that my dates in my query display like this Jan 18Jan 19Feb 18Feb 19 Now this is my DDL and this is the query I attempted, but in …
My Left Join Query in mySql gives duplicate results even after using DISTINCT?
I have tried many solutions to get rid of Duplicate results in Query but no use. Here are my tables: sparepartorderdetails d table: id —– SparePartID ——–OrderID ——– Qty —– Price 101-…
Data exclusions based on two-tables MS Access
I have table A which includes all data based on a read date. For example: Read Date—-Data 1/1/2016—–3 1/2/2016—–10 1/3/2016—–42 1/4/2016—–16 12/25/2016—-32 12/26/2016—-12 12/27/2016-…
SQL Join : how to show the first table data even the 2nd table condition false
I want to keep show my first table data even the second table condition is false. Table 1 ————————— ID | Name ————————— 1 | Panda 2 | Tiger ————…
Why I’m getting ORA-00979 while trying to use LISTAGG and LEFT JOIN?
I’m trying to group my results so, instead of looking like this: id | nome | bairro ——————— 1 . |Test 1 | bairro 1 1 . |Test 1 | bairro 2 2 . |Test 2 | bairro 3 It looks like this: …
Mysql : can’t figure out what’s wrong with this LEFT JOIN query
I would like to do a left join on the same table (licence) that only gives me licences that have no entry in the joined table. But I can’t get any result 🙁 Here is the query (quite simple actually) …
SQL If Not Any From Left Join Else Left Join
I the following query and I only want the results from the first left join that returns results for the addresses (add1/2/3). Is it possible, or should I just return it all and filer the results later? For example, if add1 returns 1 address, add2 returns 1 address and add3 returns 3 addresses, I only want the result set from
left join and where condition in joining condition
I am using Ingres 11.0 DB not sure if it will have same behavior on other DB engines ,but here is it SELECT * FROM table1 t1 LEFT JOIN table2 t2 ON t1.id = t2.fk_id WHERE t1.code = ‘CODE1’ …
Postgres Left Join with where condition
I need to left join two tables with a where condition: time_table record_table I need to get all those records which are present under given date range. In the above example, I need those records that lie under range for rid = 2 only. Hence the output for the above query needs to be: Answer left join two tables with