I have a table having one varchar type column and 2 json type columns, which i created using: I now want to insert values like this using python: For which i wrote a string in python like this to execute: But this doesn’t work. I am getting following error: I searched for similar answers but couln’t find one. This should
Tag: json
How to query Json field so the keys are the column names and the values are the column fields
PostgreSQL database name is contacts_contact and the column I’m interested in is called “fields” ‘fields’ column looks like this in my database: And a second record: The ‘fields’ column has fields that look like the two JSON data I shared. It is pretty much responses to a survey. Example, {u’Monthly_household_income’: {u’text’: u'< R1500′}, means that the question was “Monthly household
How to select JSON property in SQL statement?
I have field of type json. Example value is: [{“id”: “960287”, “src_ip”: “X.X.X.X”, “filename”: “XXX-20200408092811-0”, “order_id”:…
Transform properties from JSON array into comma-separated string
I have a string column in an SQL-Server table on Azure which contains the following data: How can it be transformed into a comma-separated string containing “Jane, John”? Answer Here how to achieve this via a snippet of some of my older code, you should be able to loop through the table and do this for each row. There may
Converting sql data to json but json file include recordset
I’m trying to convert sql data to json data but when file is completed I get something ‘recordset’ what is this and how do i get rid of it. —–This is how I am getting the json .— Please tell me how i get rid of recordset, square brackets and output and rowsafftectd Answer Well, you just need to stringify
How to deal with JSON column while using GROUP BY
I’m using a query similar to the below one, address is JSON TYPE. But getting below error: I’m trying to get the data of a person who has the max salary for his age and I need to include adress filed which should be JSON So, Is the there any way to achieve this or is this practically possible ?
How to split an array of objects in SQL?
I have a table in my database which has the following columns: ID Data 1 [{“na”:false,”answer”:1.5},{“na”:false,”answer”:0.5}] 2 [{“na&…
Getting all the values in json array in snowflake
I have a JSON array as follows: This Json data is in the field called col1 in my_table { “JSON_DATA”: { “ID”: 1, “j_array”: [“A”,”B”]…
Postgres Nested JSONB Query
I have a JSONB column, data, in the orders table: I’m trying to select “orders where discount_codes contain a code in codes_array”. I could not figure out how to write this query exactly. I read about the [*] operator but am unsure how to use it in this context. This only searches the first element of discount_codes: This only searches
How to specify a limit on Postgres json_agg
I want a JSON output having the distinct values of a column and also a limited number of rows. This is the sample table that I have in a Postgres Database: Name Author Copies Sold —- …