Suppose I have three tables in PostgreSQL: Suppose I am using the using the following query: I get 50 as count. Whereas with: I get only 25 as count. What is my mistake in the second query? What can I do to get the same count? My requirement is that there is a single user table, referenced by multiple tables.
Tag: join
How to retrieve count of records in SELECT statement
I am trying to retrieve the right count of records to mitigate an issue I am having. The below query returns 327 records from my database: Where I run into trouble is trying to reconcile that with the below query. One is for showing just a count of all the particular students the other is showing pertinent information for a
MySQL Query join last comment to topic
I have a topic and topic_comments table. I want to join them both. The join is on = topic_comments.parent_id. I want to show the topic with latest comment and order by latest comment createdate. And not show duplicate topics. Can anyone help me? So far I have this: This however doesn ‘t show topics without comments. It only returns
How can I return 3 COUNT columns from the same table when JOIN with other tables as well?
I would like to know how I can return several COUNTs for the following: I have 27 work sites, each site has an employee with a contract, I have wrote a script to return one actual column of data (…
Laravel Eloquent to join table and count related
How do I use join with Eloquent taking in consideration the following table structure: I have a properies table ——————— ID | Name ——————— 1 | Property Name than …
Using inner Join in Solr query
In SQL, I have the query like this SELECT * FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.table1To2Id = table2.table2Id INNER JOIN table3 ON table1.table1To3Id = table3.table3Id How can I …
Set column to a concatenated value from another table
I have 2 tables in SQL Server 2008: Address: nameid | e-mail ————— 1 | 2 | 3 | Member: nameid | memberid ————— 1 | …
Select info from a table referencing info from another table
I have a main product table with different products. Different products have different specs, so I’ve created separate specs tables for each product (there will be more than ten of them). What I want to do is to show individual product’s specs on a product_page.php whenever the product is clicked. My product page has columns: My specs table columns So
inflation calculation in MS SQL
I have the below requirement to fulfill. How to achieve this simplistically. There is an inflation rate table as below I need to first get And then get Answer I think the best way to do this on SQLserver is to use a common table expression with recursion. I’m not 100% sure because I can’t test it here, but something
Counting number of joined rows in left join
I’m trying to write an aggregate query in SQL which returns the count of all records joined to a given record in a table; If no records were joined to the given record, then the result for that record should be 0: Data My database looks like this (I’m not able to change the structure, unfortunately): (MESSAGEPART has a composite