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Tag: hsqldb

Integrity constraint violation: unique constraint or index violation HSQLDB

For example if I add new Department(new BigInteger(“50”), “ODD”, “SPB”), all work, it values are insert into database. But if I want again insert for example new Department(new BigInteger(“50”), “ODDMOD”, “SPBMOD”), appear java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: integrity constraint violation: unique constraint or index violation; SYS_PK_10092 table: DEPARTMENT. I know that can not insert values with the same primary key, but how can update

Unique Indexes query for HSQLDB

I’ve got a query that selects unique indexes from a MySQL DB table: I am looking to create the equivalent query that works for HSQLDB Any help is much appreciated! Answer That’s available in information_schema.system_indexinfo
