For example if I add new Department(new BigInteger(“50”), “ODD”, “SPB”), all work, it values are insert into database. But if I want again insert for example new Department(new BigInteger(“50”), “ODDMOD”, “SPBMOD”), appear java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: integrity constraint violation: unique constraint or index violation; SYS_PK_10092 table: DEPARTMENT. I know that can not insert values with the same primary key, but how can update
Tag: hsqldb
Unique Indexes query for HSQLDB
I’ve got a query that selects unique indexes from a MySQL DB table: I am looking to create the equivalent query that works for HSQLDB Any help is much appreciated! Answer That’s available in information_schema.system_indexinfo
“Object not found” error when using multiple table expressions in WITH…AS inside of CREATE VIEW
I am trying to create a view based on complex query in HSQLDB (version 2.5.1). The query looks like this (simplified for clarity), also includes DDL for the tables: However, it fails with the following error: [42501][-5501] user lacks privilege or object not found: JOIN in statement [CREATE VIEW TEST_VIEW AS…… The same query runs fine when used as a
org.hsqldb.HsqlException: discrepancy in the number of rows counted
I’m trying to play around with an insecure application (Insecure Bank) and I’m trying to port it to secure it a bit more as a personal project. I have a problem inserting the contents of the database …
sql syntax error with liquibase using join tables
I am using liquibase, and I have a sql script: update edi_file_steps fs INNER JOIN GU_User u …
Perform SQL statement after each DELETE
Is there a way to make jOOQ perform a SQL statement (in my case a CHECKPOINT) after each DELETE? Ideally there would also be a way to specify the tables that this happens for. The RDBMS I’m using (…
Avoid duplicate entries using full JOIN with SUM and GROUP BY
I am using HSQLDB for the database and have the following condition in which I have to avoid duplicate entries while joining 2 tables. Table1 HMEXPENSE +——–+—————+————-+ | …
Need to perform ORDER by Twice
I want to sort according to date first and then if date is similar then according to id..How to do that in Informix/HSQL query? Answer A good tutorial on this SQL ORDER BY