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Tag: having

In the SQL Query I couldn’t get truly data

Hi, I have a facilities table. I want to know which hotel_id has 2 facilities at the same time. with that no record. Answer Your query does not work because you are looking for rows that satisify both conditions simultaneously, which cannot happen. You need to look across rows of the same group. Instead, you can filter on rows that

Keyset pagination with WHERE & HAVING

I ran into a question that I can’t find a solution yet for keyset pagination: Suppose we have this query: How should we do keyset pagination on that? For a.number only, we can have WHERE a.number < ?; For rating only, we do HAVING rating < ?; If there’re two conditions for where, we can have WHERE (x, y) <

How to tell MariaDB/MySQL that a column is unique due to HAVING clause

With ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY set (which I don’t want to/can’t change) the following query errors with ERROR 1055 (42000): ‘dbname.test1.person_id’ isn’t in GROUP BY (or equivalent longer message in mariadb). How can I “tell” MySQL that I know the person_id is unambiguous because of the HAVING clause? I don’t want to use ANY_VALUE because that isn’t available in all the dbs where

Using the OR operator in a nested SQL Statement

I have a database with vendors, what they sell and where they are located. I need to search for vendors that are based off of a specific locality like a state or for vendors who sell a certain number of products. An example of this question is: What are the full names of all vendors who can supply more than
