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Tag: having-clause

Return only recipes that contains all ingredients Sql

I have these 3 tables: Drinks drink_id name Ingredients ingredient_id name Opskrifter drink_id ingredient_id quantity Drinks and Ingredients are cross-referenced in opskrifter. I want to return all recipes from opskrifter that have ingredients from another table called Stock name So to make a gin and tonic, I need to have both gin and tonic in stock. If I only have

Remove zero amount in a query

I have a table finalData with the following columns and data I am creating mysql query to display the income and expenses of Singapore per Area, but I have to exclude areas that has zero amount. Here’s the code I tried: Output should be like this Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Answer This logic would be simpler phrased with

How to choose in postgresql rows where amount of one value is bigger than another? [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question how to choose in postgresql rows where amount of one value is bigger

MySQL: Join three tables, comparing two values

First of all, I’m an amateur on SQL. Here it is the example. From this three tables I would like to know who are the teachers that make more money than Mike Table1: Table2: Table3: So far I’ve made this: And I don’t know how to keep going because when I run it, an error appears. My expected result would

How to get common value based on a column from a table sql

I have a table. the screenshot is given bellow: There have two columns item_details_id pay_method_id In item_details_id there have 1,2,1 data. On the other hand pay_method_id have 1,1,3 data. I want to get only common values of pay_method_id depending on item_details_id. According to the given screenshot- in item_details_id I have ‘1’ & ‘2’ value. —– ‘1’ pay_method_id is ‘1’, ‘3’
