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Tag: group-by

check for same range in postgresql

I wanted to check if for one particular student my column (Amount) contains a value less than 10, and if yes, then check if for the same student my column (Amount) is also greater than 10 and update the column new accordingly in PostgreSQL. MY table: Tried this way but not working The output I’m expecting: Answer One option is

Mysql query per date and per group

I have an SQL query which counts user uptake (registrations) by day for a particular group of users. It also does a cumulative (running total) This query is using the audit table purely to get me a list of dates reliable even if there are no users created on every day, i know the audit table with have a record.

Sql limit record grouped

I have a table ‘Players’ In this table the columns are ‘ID’,’surname’,’nation’ I need a query and result must shows a list of Players by nations limited by 4 for nations Ex Table players Resultset Answer With row_number() window function: See the demo. Or if your version of SQLite does not support window functions: See the demo. Results:

SQL Statement: Group BY not working as it is needed to

I am trying to get a count of the number of students that are absent at a particular day. I am going to be providing a sample of the view here: I am trying to get a count a view that shows me School_Name, Absent_Date, Name and Student_ID from the data above where a student has skipped more than or
