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Tag: group-by

SQL Joining of Multiple Tables

SQL newbie here, I am trying to have the table print out the sum of the wages, make, and car model for all the people that own a particular make/model combination. As of right now, the table prints …

How to query SQL by month & id to get SUM

I have the table data like: And I want to display table like: Here is the code to get data by group month and shop code But i don’t know exactly how to display data like image 2 in html table. Can anyone advise on how to do that in Thanks in advance. Answer Create a pivot

How to pull a list of all visitor_ids that generated more than $500 combined in their first two sessions in the month of January 2020?

Tables: Sessions session_ts visitor_id vertical session_id Transactions session_ts session_id rev_bucket revenue Currently have the following query (using SQLite): I’m having trouble identifying the first two sessions that combine for $500. Open to any feedback and simplifying of query. Thanks! Answer You can use window functions and aggregation: The subquery joins the two tables, filters on the target month (note that

Was column ever equal to x in sql

I have a dataset that looks similar to this: I want to check if the description was ever equal to X, grouped by unique ref. I would also like it to have a separate column for the date in which description was X. If the unique ref has been X more than once then the date would be the most
