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Tag: group-by

Why there is no GroupBy clause in internal SQL of Entity Framework linq query?

In documentation of Entity Framework: in section regarding GroupBy we can read that following code: executes internally following SQL: Why there is no GroupBy clause in SQL? If there is no GroupBy clause needed, can’t we just use simple Select with OrderBy and without Joins? Can anyone explain the above query? Answer The bottom line is: because SQL can’t

MySQL: Why are these two wrong? (Invalid use of group function, selected nothing after using having())

Credit:Leetcode_1076.Project Employees II Here is the sample table Project table: (project_id, employee_id) is the primary key of this table. I have tried several methods and managed to find the right one by using dense_rank(); however, I still don’t understand why these two syntaxes are wrong to select project_id with the largest number of employees: 1.Return null: {“headers”: [“project_id”, “n”], “values”:

Check if multiple records exist, with the same id

I am trying to check if multiple records exists with pageId IN(?,?,?) in the chatParticipants table. This is an example of the table structure: This is the SQL query I have tried: Expected behavior: If a conversation already exists, with the given (x) participants, that is, with the same chatId value, then it must return the chatId value. The above

How do I create cohorts of users from month of first order, then count information about those orders in SQL?

I’m trying to use SQL to: Create user cohorts by the month of their first order Sum the total of all the order amounts bought by that cohort all-time Output the cohort name (its month), the cohort size (total users who made first purchase in that month), total_revenue (all order revenue from the users in that cohort), and avg_revenue (the
