I was looking for a way to add a cumulative total column to my GridView in vb.net that would show a cumulative total of one of the numeric columns in the row. So basically: Points | Running Total 2 | 2 1 | 3 -0.5 | 2.5 1.5 | 4 I saw some questions on cumulative totals using SQL Server
Tag: gridview
LinqToSql OrderBy has no Effect
I am using a LinqToSql-DataSource for a GridView in this way: Now i want to order the Selection. At first the “stammVerein”-Column of Table “mitgliedschaft” descending AND the Column “eintritt” of Table “mitgliedschaft”. I have tried several ways: AND: AND: But nothing of this has any Effects ! I am very new in this kind of DataSource and Linq. Can