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Tag: greatest-n-per-group

Need an SQL query that will left join with another table, which will in turn return the latest values based on time, grouped into a single row

I need help with a SELECT SQL query that will left join with another table on id column, which will in turn return the latest values based on time, grouped into a single row? Basically, join the two tables in such a way that for each record in users table that exists in time_series table, return the latest values based

Find first available value that doesn’t exist

I want to create table for book chapters where pk will be book_id and chapter_internal_number. I’m not sure how find next free chapter_internal_number value for new chapter insert (chapter can be deleted and it’s chapter_internal_number value should be reused). How to find first chapter_internal_number avaiable value for book? Avaiable value is next value that doesn’t exist in ASC order. Table
