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Tag: firebird

Can I programmatically exit a Firebird script

Consider the following script: The exit is perfectly valid and does cause script execution to end. At least in IBExpert where I am testing this. But I want to do this programmatically. Is the exit in my first example valid Firebird or is IBExpert handling this itself? Is there a different way to exit the entire script conditionally? Answer You

Firebird SQL Statement to Get the Table Definition

I am writing my own Firebird database browser using the ibpp library. Is there a way I can get the table definition using an SQL statement? Answer Firebird does not support schemas, so there is no way you can get that information. The closest thing might be the owner, which you can get by querying RDB$RELATIONS Edit A “schema” is

Generate insert SQL statements from a CSV file

I need to import a csv file into Firebird and I’ve spent a couple of hours trying out some tools and none fit my needs. The main problem is that all the tools I’ve been trying like EMS Data Import and Firebird Data Wizard expect that my CSV file contains all the information needed by my Table. I need to
