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Tag: encoding

How to fix Encoding error utf-8 – PostgreSQL

I am following instructions online to create a database in pgAdmin4. I have successfully imported a csv file and created a table. However, I cannot select anything from the table. My code is: SELECT * FROM transfers; Error message is: ‘utf-8’ codec can’t decode byte 0xc3 in position 0: unexpected end of data Running ‘show server_encoding’ gives “UTF8” in the

Encoding special characters SQL to R and back

I have a problem passing data from R to SQL and then reading it back The original data is from some excel files and have the following word: Průmyslový Using latin1 for encoding depreciates the u within the word Prumyslový Using latin2 for encoding changes the accent of the u Prùmyslový Which encoding could i use? I am using an
