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Tag: doctrine

Excluding overlapped period in doctrine QueryBuilder

I have Product and Booking entity and I’m trying to select products that aren’t already booked in a given period. In other words, to select available products during a given period. To make myself understandable, see the schema below. I only want to select product that have a booking like #1 or #5 since it is available. If a product

Syntax message in sql

I have a problem i don’t realy know how to fix, I took this sql when i exported my database in localhost, but when i try to create the User Table for my site in Production i get this Error message. I thought it was because je ‘Json’ format for the ‘role’ but when i change it to ‘array’ i

SQL How do I query a many-to-many relationship

How do I select posts that contain a specific tag if there is a many-to-many relationship between posts and tags? The problem I am having is that because of the where = ‘xxx’, only that tag is selected. I want to select all posts that have the tag specified, together with all of their tags, e.g., Currently what I
