So I’ve tried to use the timestamp diff to calculate and get the results with time gap not larger than 1 hour from the current time. However, it is not working as intended. When I run the code, all results with gap more than 1 day are displayed, as screenshot below with my current timestamp as reference. the results returned
Tag: derby
Is that possible that access to a sql table with question mark?
I have 3 sql tables customer, employee and manager. I want to access dynamically to my tables. I had a statement like this, But in this situation i can only access to customer. I need to access all of the tables for different operations. Is that possible to write this, or what can i do to access for example employee
Error with the ID generated when i insert new data in my database Java Derby
i am building an app with a function to insert new Users in the database with Java Derby. Everything is going well, but when i close the app, i run it again and i try to insert a new User (called …
Another instance of Derby may have already booted the database
I’m connecting to a Derby DB through the command line. After connecting, by mistake got out from IJ in a unproper way. Now when I try to connect again this message is shown: I think this is happening …
How can I “Update Select” some values in a column with a subquery?
I am using Apache Derby DB (SQL) version 10.14 and this is the Derby Reference Manual: I am trying to create a star schema and am currently …
Why does my “INSERT INTO” Statement not work?
I am working with Apache derbyDB (db2) and SQL Workbench as environment. I have 10k records of data and I want to create a star schema with dimension tables and a fact table. dwh_price_paid_records = …
Derby – java.sql.SQLException: Column ‘table.column_name’ not found
I have these 2 tables: inventory and product_categories both tables have a common column called businessId. Now I have 2 databases, one is hosted on MySQL and the other on Derby both databases have same table structures. So I’ve been executing the following query on both databases: When I execute the query above using the Java code below, I get
issue with derby database on where condition
Below is my table structure. create table “APP”.REGISTRATION ( “id” INT not null primary key GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY(START WITH 1,INCREMENT BY 1), “firstname” VARCHAR(50), …
In Derby, is there a way to create a database table that has a column that defaults to the UTC timestamp?
I use Derby as a solution for whitebox testing my code. In what will become my production database, I have a column that defaults to the system timestamp in UTC. However; I cannot figure out how to do …