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Tag: datetime

Insert datetime from C# into SQL Server database

when I try to insert datetime value into a SQL Server database I get this error: Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string Code: Table table has 1 datetime column called time. Edit: my table created in msSQL 2012: my real code is: Answer The actual problem here is that you’re writing the parameter inside quotes:

Generating dates between two dates

I need to generate all dates between two given dates. This works fine as long as there is just one date range. However, if I have multiple date ranges, this solution doesn’t work. I have searched here …

Having trouble with WHERE DATEDIFF in my SQL

I think I’m going about this wrong. I want to pull the rows in my database that are less than a day old, in PHP. I’m using Laravel, but that’s not relevant. Here is what I have: However, that isn’t return the right results. It’s return results older than a day. Answer This query selects rows that are newer than
