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Tag: date

SQL Server 18 – merging dates around midnight

I would like to ask if anyone could help me with this. I have a table with user traffic on websites. The important column is Timestamp which looks like this. Timestamps are used to calculate sessions. An hour or so in timestamps means one session. The problem is that calculated session is different when the activity on the websites was

Assign default values in SQL Server dynamic pivot

Below is pivot query for my requirement. Below is my script for table creation scripts with data. Table_TraineeInfo is candidate registration details table, Table_Batch_Lookup is batch detail when batch start date and end date base on filling in pivot, Table_Attendance_Log is candidate attendance log. My current output I want below output if date is less than or equal to today

Records are not fetching date wise in SQL Server. 0 records found

I want to get the records from Dec-1-2019 to Dec-31-2019 but I am not getting any records from the database while checking with out date filter the records are coming. There are records in the database table between these days but not coming. Query Sample data C# Code Answer Consider specifying an ISO 8601 datetime literal. That will be independent
