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Tag: database

how do i increment a value of column with condition?

my table looks something like this i have a function, which return 1to3 int value representing effect1,effect2,effect3 and “id” i am trying to increment value of each effect by 1 when my function’s returning “id” matches the “id” from my dataset otherwise creates new row and increase value of effect for example if my function returns (1,3) my table will

How to do update/migration of data, with help of generic query

I am in middle of trying to get better with sql, but I have some issue/question with one of my exercies. So I thought about this kind of following situation. I have three tables: STUDENT COURSE STUDENT_COURSE But after some time I have requirments to divide courses into more specific names. So in COURSE table whould looks like that And

django ‘dict’ object has no attribute ‘job_id’

I’ve got this code: Even though value() is defined, I get the error ‘dict’ object has no attribute ‘job_id’ I guess the error will also be for pass_count, skip_count and fail_count What am I supposed to do here? Answer Your query does not return a queryset with object instances, so you cannot refer to fields with a “.” It is

How do I get the data extracted from API to my database

I am currently working on a project to build a database on professor’s research paper database. This is my first time building a database(never had experience with MYSQL) and I am learning as I am doing it. I was able to use an api to get the data, for example: {“authorId”: “1773022”, “url”: “”, “papers”: [{“paperId”: “1253d2704580a74e776ae211602cfde71532c057”, “title”: “Nonlinear Schrodinger
