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Tag: database-sequence

How to fix NEXTVAL returning null in insert query but returns correct value when executed alone in PostgreSQL?

When I execute the following insert query: I get the following output: The third column which is supposed to be filled by the NEXTVAL function result is being sent null, which is violating a certain non-nullity constraint. However when I execute NEXTVAL independently like this: The function returns a correct value as shown below in the screenshot: Answer Your insert

How to bulk update sequence ID postgreSQL for all tables

I imported the Postgres SQL file to my server using TablePlus(SQL client), but after I insert new row I got error like this: SQLSTATE[23505]: Unique violation: 7 ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint “users_pkey” DETAIL: Key (id)=(1) already exists I know it caused by sequence value is 0 and need to be updated by code below: But it needs
