I am using SQL Server 2014 and I need to implement a specific CASE STATEMENT logic in my T-SQL query. I need to create a new column (Period) in my output based on a column in the Table I am running the query against. This column will contain either “Peak” or “Off-Peak” based on the “StayDate” column in my Table.
Tag: case-statement
MySQL Workbench – SELECT is not valid at this position with this server version when using CASE WHEN statement [closed]
Closed. This question is not reproducible or was caused by typos. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it’s on-topic for Stack Overflow. Closed 11 months ago. Improve this question When implementing a basic CASE WHEN statement in MySQL Workbench, I am getting the following error “SELECT is not valid at this
using case statement in a where clause
Hello I am missing something because my code errors. select * from ##ScheduleDetail SD left join ##HolidayFilterTbl HF on SD.Scheduledate = HF.Testdate where (ScheduleDate = testdate) and (Case …
How to retrieve single record for a column based on SQL Server CASE statement
I am trying to write a SQL Server CASE statement to retrieve a student’s category based on the following condition. If the category column from the student_category table has both values ‘X’ and ‘Y’ for a student_id value from the student table, then only display the record where value is ‘Y’. If the category has either values ‘X’ or ‘Y’,
T-SQL Conditional WHERE Clause
Found a couple of similar questions here on this, but couldn’t figure out how to apply to my scenario. My function has a parameter called @IncludeBelow. Values are 0 or 1 (BIT). I have this query: If @IncludeBelow is 0, i need the query to be this: If @IncludeBelow is 1, that last line needs to be excluded. (i.e don’t