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Tag: c#

How to creat a sql table giving specified column names and types

Here is created dbf table I want the same for SQL table Answer You can find in these link step by step to setup SQL connection, Create database, Insert values into tables Create an SQL Server Database Using C# Create a SQL Server Database dynamically in C# Eg: you have to set connection string Assign connection & open connection Code

SQL Query to LINQ (use join with two keys)

I have got SQL Query and trying to use LINQ because if EF. Can someone have a look at it tell me where is my mistake, please? SQL Query is working but LINQ returns no data. Basically there is two table A and Table B. I want to do join AB which is (Bring me Data exist in Table A

I’m trying to retrieve data from qSQL database

But it does not get the data from the database. I’m do not want to retrieve the data to the table and want to display data in particular line edit. What is the error? Is there any modification? This is the Code that I’m using: Answer This code has four main issues: You have deleted the ui at the beginning

SQL query to display data in gridview

I have a grid view that displays data from a SQL Server database during page load. My gridview contains these columns: I have used a query: which will display data from SQL Server in the gridview when ReturnedOn column doesn’t have any data. The new query has to satisfy these conditions, It Should not displays a record when Assetype=”Laptop” or

How to query SQL by month & id to get SUM

I have the table data like: And I want to display table like: Here is the code to get data by group month and shop code But i don’t know exactly how to display data like image 2 in html table. Can anyone advise on how to do that in Thanks in advance. Answer Create a pivot
