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Tag: automation

Print Query Result in Console – Robot Framework

I’m using Robot Framework in automations. Now I’m adding SQL Server scripts. In order to facilitate, I would like to make a print of my query (select) to display in the console. How do I do? I tried with the following way, but without success: and The latter prints to the console, but the query sent, in this case, select

How to automate a sql script in snowflake

I have a SQL script that transforms data for various tables in snowflake. I need to run this SQL code daily and I want to automate it somehow. I thought I could automate the SQL with ‘tasks’ in snowflake but ‘tasks’ are unable to run more than one single SQL statement and my code contains a multitude of SQL statements.

SQL Select Statement – Automation Anywhere

I am trying to write an SQL select statement where i only extract two columns from a csv which has been connected as a CSV. The select statement query i am using is: Which extracts all data in the table as expected, I wish to only extract data in columns with headers: The below line of code throws a syntax
