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Tag: asynchronous

What is the proper way of selecting multiple scalars within the same “using” statement with Dapper?

I have wrote the following method, which I hoped to make the method run faster by executing the tasks in parallel: Unfortunately, I receive the following exception: System.InvalidOperationException: ‘BeginExecuteReader requires an open and available Connection. The connection’s current state is connecting.’ How should I implement it correctly? Answer First things first, executing many commands in parallel against a database will

How can I best implement async into my WPF application?

I’m working on a WPF application that runs SQL queries and returns a data grid of the results when pressed. Currently, the structure of my methods as I try to figure out async is as follows: Depending on the query ran, my application can get for anywhere between 30 seconds to 20 minutes. I have a progressbar on my application
