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Tag: amazon-redshift

Replacing part of a string SQL based on condition

I have a use case in amazon redshift which I have a list of numbers in a column: E.g: 1,2,3,4,5,6 For this use case, the numbers have to be in the same column. Lets say that I want to pass a parameter and remove that number from the list. The thing I try to do is: So basically I try

convert a string (43677) to date format in SQL(Redshift) [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question How to convert a string (43677) to date in SQL(Redshift)? (I’m trying to convert strings, which are number format of any particular date in excel)

SQL – First n non null columns

I have 30 columns like p1, p2, p3,……,p29, p30. Out of them, any 6 consecutive values will be non-null and the rest are all none. I need to write an SQL query (preferably Redshift) to get all of them into 6 columns. Say a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6 Eg. If I have 50 rows of data with 30 columns with a lot of nulls.

SQL (Redshift) – Find consecutive numbers

Suppose I have a table below: I want to find which number(s) appears 3 times in a row. So in this example the output is 1. How can I achieve this using regular SQL (not PL/SQL), when I have way much more rows in the data? Thanks! Answer This should work. here is the sqlfiddle

Redshift casting decimal to decimal

Why does casting a decimal to decimal lose all decimals? For example, Returns 2 Answer A decimal number has a precision (the total number of significant digits in the whole number) and a scale (the number of decimal digits). In Redshift, the default precision is 18, but the default scale is 0, and automatic rounding is applied when casting, as
