I have this table:
id sale_id price
1 1 100
2 1 200
3 2 50
4 3 50
I want this result:
id sale_id price sum(price by sale_id)
1 1 100 300
2 1 200 300
3 2 50 50
4 3 50 50
I tried this:
SELECT id, sale_id, price,
(SELECT sum(price) FROM sale_lines GROUP BY sale_id)
FROM sale_lines
But get the error that subquery returns different number of rows. How can I do it?
I want all the rows of sale_lines table selecting all fields and adding the sum(price) grouped by sale_id.
You can use window function :
sum(price) over (partition by sale_id) as sum
If you want sub-query then you need to correlate them :
SELECT sl.id, sl.sale_id, sl.price,
(SELECT sum(sll.price)
FROM sale_lines sll
WHERE sl.sale_id = sll.sale_id
FROM sale_lines sl;