I have the following table data:
| name |items |
| Bob |1, 2, 3 |
| Rick |5, 3, 8, 4|
| Bill |2, 4 |
I need to create a table with a split items column, but with the limitation to have at most N items per name. E.g. for N = 3 the table should look like this:
|name |item|
|Bob |1 |
|Bob |2 |
|Bob |3 |
|Rick |5 |
|Rick |3 |
|Rick |8 |
|Bill |2 |
|Bill |4 |
I have the following query that splits items correctly, but doesn’t account for the maximum number N. What should I modify in the query (standard SQL, BigQuery) to account for N?
WITH data_split AS (
SELECT name, SPLIT(items,',') AS item
SELECT name, items
-- A lot of additional logic here
FROM data
SELECT name, item
FROM data_split
CROSS JOIN UNNEST(data_split.item) AS item
Consider below approach (BigQuery)
select name, trim(item) item
from your_table, unnest(split(items)) item with offset
where offset < 3
if applied to sample data in your question – output is