I am trying to write a sql statement to control a report header selection of multiple database by user groups a user is assigned to. This is to limit the database selection security when running an SSRS report so that they can’ only select their branch or group of branches they have access to. So far I can return the group results for a single user. I am trying to get a list of all active AD users and groups that are like GRP-XP%. Here is my script so far, that only works for a single username. Eventually this table will be passed to PowerBI, so I’d need username, usergroup table of listing complete.
Declare @username varchar(max) = 'ssmith' DECLARE @Query NVARCHAR(1024), @Path NVARCHAR(1024) SET @Query = ' SELECT @Path = distinguishedName FROM OPENQUERY(CSAD, '' SELECT distinguishedName, SAMAccountName FROM ''''LDAP://DC=Domain,DC=co, dc=uk'''' WHERE objectClass = ''''user'''' AND sAMAccountName = ''''' + Replace(@Username, 'domain', '') + ''''' '') ' EXEC SP_EXECUTESQL @Query, N'@Path NVARCHAR(1024) OUTPUT', @Path = @Path OUTPUT SET @Query = ' SELECT Replace(Right(cn, Len(cn)-7), '' '', '' '') FROM OPENQUERY (CSAD, ''<LDAP://DC=Domain,DC=co,DC=uk>;(&(objectClass=group)(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=' + @Path +'));cn, adspath;subtree'') where CN like ''GRP-XP%'' Order By cn' Declare @table Table (Name varchar(100)) Insert into @table EXEC SP_EXECUTESQL @Query select * from @table
So the results would look like;
Thank you
I found some code I wrote many years ago. I can’t test it as we no longer use a local AD domain controller but it definitely worked at some point.
It basically returns a list of all users and associated groups so it should be easy enough to modify for your needs.
ALTER PROC [AD].[Get_AD_AllUsersWithGroups] AS DECLARE @Query NVARCHAR(1024), @Path NVARCHAR(1024) DECLARE @distinguishedName nvarchar(256) DECLARE @SAMAccountName nvarchar(256) CREATE TABLE #users (distinguishedName nvarchar(1000), SAMAccountName nvarchar(100)) CREATE TABLE #results(SAMAccountName nvarchar(100), DistinguishedName nvarchar(1000), GroupName nvarchar(1000), ActiveDirectoryPath nvarchar(1000)) -- Get all the users from AD SET @Query = ' SELECT distinguishedName, SAMAccountName FROM OPENQUERY(ADSI, '' SELECT distinguishedName , SAMAccountName FROM ''''LDAP://DC=MyDomain,DC=local'''' WHERE objectClass = ''''user'''' '') ' INSERT INTO #users EXEC SP_EXECUTESQL @Query -- For each user in #users, get a list of groups they belong to DECLARE cUsers CURSOR FOR SELECT distinguishedName, SAMAccountName from dbo.#users u order by u.distinguishedName OPEN cUsers FETCH NEXT FROM cUsers INTO @distinguishedName, @SAMAccountName WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SET @distinguishedName = REPLACE(@distinguishedName, '''', '''''') SET @SAMAccountName = REPLACE(@SAMAccountName, '''', '''''') SET @Query = ' INSERT INTO #results SELECT ''' + @SAMAccountName + ''', ''' + @distinguishedName + ''', cn as GroupName, AdsPath AS ActiveDirectoryPath FROM OPENQUERY (ADSI, ''<LDAP://DC=MyDomain,DC=local>;(&(objectClass=group)(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=' + @distinguishedName +'));cn, adspath;subtree'')' EXEC SP_EXECUTESQL @Query FETCH NEXT FROM cUsers INTO @distinguishedName, @SAMAccountName END CLOSE cUsers DEALLOCATE cUsers SELECT * FROM dbo.#results r GO