I have the following table resulted from
SELECT m.MedName as [Medicine],m.MedSellPrice as [RetailPrice],m.MedType as [Type], m.SoldQuantity as [Sold],m.Quantity as [Available],b.BillAmount as [Total Bill],b.BillDate FROM BillMedicine AS bm LEFT JOIN Medicine AS m ON bm.MedicineID=m.id LEFT JOIN Bill AS b ON bm.BilIID = b. ID
but now I want to remove the repeated rows except the Sum of ‘TotalBill’.
SELECT m.MedName AS [Medicine], m.MedSellPrice AS [RetailPrice], m.MedType AS [Type], m.SoldQuantity AS [Sold], m.Quantity AS [Available], SUM(b.BillAmount) AS [Total Bill] FROM BillMedicine AS bm LEFT JOIN Medicine AS m ON bm.MedicineID = m.id LEFT JOIN Bill AS b ON bm.BilIID = b.ID GROUP BY m.MedName, m.MedSellPrice, m.MedType, m.SoldQuantity, m.Quantity;
Note that for the billing date, the two “duplicate” records you have highlighted have different dates. It is not clear which date, if any, you want to report here. I have omitted this column.