I have a data about airline’s booking, using Oracle db, sample is structured as below:
- Recordlocator is booking code
- Sequencenmbr: whenever there is a change in booking, it records new status of a booking with higher Sequencenmbr. So the highest Sequencenmbr in the database shows the latest/current status of bookings
- Sequenceair: is the sequence of flights in bookings, it may be one or many flights in a booking
- DepartAirport: is from airport
- ArrAirport: is to airport.
So the question is, I would like to create new Itinerary column that shows full Itinerary of booking in every rows, which is combination of DepartAirport of each row (in order of SequenceAir) and ArrAirport of a last row. Could anyone help me with the SQL statement or give some links to read?
It has to group by Recordlocator, Sequencenmbr and order by SequenceAir. It should look like this:
Recordlocator | Sequencenmbr | SequenceAir | DepartureDateTime | DepartAirport | ArrAirport | Itinerary |
GQWYGM | 32 | 1 | 25/11/18 16:40 | RGN | SIN | RGN-SIN-JKT-SIN-RGN |
GQWYGM | 32 | 2 | 26/11/18 09:35 | SIN | JKT | RGN-SIN-JKT-SIN-RGN |
GQWYGM | 32 | 3 | 29/11/18 06:50 | JKT | SIN | RGN-SIN-JKT-SIN-RGN |
GQWYGM | 32 | 4 | 29/11/18 11:00 | SIN | RGN | RGN-SIN-JKT-SIN-RGN |
GQWYGM | 33 | 1 | 25/11/18 16:40 | RGN | SIN | RGN-SIN-MNL-SIN-RGN |
GQWYGM | 33 | 2 | 26/11/18 09:35 | SIN | MNL | RGN-SIN-MNL-SIN-RGN |
GQWYGM | 33 | 3 | 29/11/18 06:50 | MNL | SIN | RGN-SIN-MNL-SIN-RGN |
GQWYGM | 33 | 4 | 29/11/18 11:00 | SIN | RGN | RGN-SIN-MNL-SIN-RGN |
select Recordlocator , Sequencenmbr, Sequenceair , DepartAirport, ArrAirport, departureDateTime , LISTAGG( ( case when last_arrAirport = DepartAirport then arrAirport -- removes duplicates when last arrival and current departure are the same else DepartAirport||'-'||ArrAirport end ) ,'-') WITHIN GROUP(ORDER BY SequenceAir) -- order by OVER (PARTITION BY Recordlocator, Sequencenmbr) list -- group by from ( select taskStack.* -- all data from your table , lag(ArrAirport) over (PARTITION BY Recordlocator, Sequencenmbr -- group by order by Recordlocator,Sequencenmbr,Sequenceair) last_arrAirport -- arrAirport from previous row from taskStack ) order BY Recordlocator,Sequencenmbr,Sequenceair