I have an Oracle database table with a field called Classification which is VARCHAR. The VARCHAR is a CSV(using semi colons). Example:
I want to pull all the rows with ONLY a different value in the CSV from the others. It is ok if a row has a previously found value as long as it has a new different value.
For instance from the above dataset it would be:
If I do just:
Select DISTINCT Classification from Table1
I get rows that overlap distinct values due to the overall VARCHAR being Distinct.
I can get all the distinct values using:
select LISTAGG(val,',') WITHIN GROUP ( ORDER BY val ) as final FROM ( select distinct trim(regexp_substr("Classification",'[^;]+', 1, level) ) as val from Table1 connect by regexp_substr("Classification", '[^,]+', 1, level) is not null ORDER BY val )
which give me
but am unable to make the link to pull out one record per unique value
Is this possible with SQL?
EDIT: This is a database created by a large corporation and mine purchased the product. Now I am tasked with data mining the backend database for BI and have absolutely no control of the database structure.
No offence but I see many answers in the questions I have researched stating ‘Do better database design/normalization’ and while I agree MOST I have read have no control over the database and are asking for SO assistance with a problem because of this, not ridicule on bad database design.
I apologize if I offend anyone
There is no parent/child relationship. I cannot see the object layer but I assume these values are changed in the object layer before propagating to the client as there is no link to them in the actual database
I see 2 ways to solve this:
1: One select statement that pulls out 1 row based on a new unique value within the VARCHAR CSV(Classification)
2: Use my select statement to loop through and pull one row containing that value in the VARCHAR CSV(Classification)
Thanks all for the input. I upvoted the ones that worked for me. In the end I will be using the one I developed just because I can easily manipulate the output(to a csv) for what the analyst wishes.
I figured it out this way and it runs fast(even once all my joins to other tables are added). Will test other answers as I can and decide best one(others look better than mine if they work as I would rather not use dbms_output)
DECLARE v_search_string varchar2(4000); v_classification varchar2(4000); BEGIN select LISTAGG(val,',') WITHIN GROUP ( ORDER BY val ) as final INTO v_search_string FROM ( select distinct trim(regexp_substr("Classification",'[^;]+', 1, level) ) as val from mytable connect by regexp_substr("Classification", '[^,]+', 1, level) is not null ORDER BY val ); FOR i IN (SELECT trim(regexp_substr(v_search_string, '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL)) l FROM dual CONNECT BY LEVEL <= regexp_count(v_search_string, ',')+1 ) LOOP SELECT "Classification" INTO v_classification FROM mytable WHERE "Classification" LIKE '%' || i.l || '%' FETCH NEXT 1 ROWS ONLY; dbms_output.put_line(v_classification); END LOOP; END;