I have a function that returns a table of custom objects. I wish to select a certain column by name from the returned result.
create or replace type sd_Serial_Number as object ( serial_number VARCHAR2(32) );
The table of objects
create or replace type sd_Serial_Number_Table as table of sd_Serial_Number;
The function
create function get_result return sd_Serial_Number_Table as v_ret sd_Serial_Number_Table; begin select sd_Serial_Number(selected.SERIAL_NUMBER) bulk collect into v_ret from ( selection here ) selected; return v_ret; end get_result;
When I call the function this way, I get a result with a single column called SERIAL_NUMBER
select * from table(get_result());
However, I can’t do something like this
select SERIAL_NUMBER from table(get_result());
Is there a way to select the column SERIAL_NUMBER ?
“I can’t” is difficult to debug. I’ll show you that I can (on the same database version you use).
SQL> SELECT * FROM v$version WHERE rownum = 1; BANNER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE sd_serial_number AS OBJECT 2 ( 3 serial_number VARCHAR2 (32) 4 ); 5 / Type created. SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE sd_serial_number_table AS TABLE OF sd_serial_number; 2 / Type created. SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_result 2 RETURN sd_serial_number_table 3 AS 4 v_ret sd_serial_number_table; 5 BEGIN 6 SELECT sd_serial_number (deptno) 7 BULK COLLECT INTO v_ret 8 FROM dept; 9 10 RETURN v_ret; 11 END get_result; 12 / Function created.
SQL> SELECT * FROM TABLE (get_result ()); SERIAL_NUMBER -------------------------------- 10 20 30 40 SQL> SELECT serial_number FROM TABLE (get_result ()); SERIAL_NUMBER -------------------------------- 10 20 30 40 SQL>